Promote the green packaging of degradable express bags

Promote the green packaging of degradable express bags

Degradable express packaging bags implement green packaging, and degradable plastic packaging bags may usher in a larger market. In 2020, due to the epidemic, the development of the express delivery industry will be further promoted. Excessive packaging in the express delivery industry will cause serious pollution to the environment. Promote degradable express delivery Bag green packaging is imperative.

From the current point of view, degradable shopping bags and packaging waste treatment are still in the high development stage. Among them, paper packaging has a relatively complete recycling mechanism and is degradable. In 2020, about 90% of paper packaging can be reused in various ways. “However, the express delivery industry still faces many challenges to reduce its environmental impact. For example, plastic products such as packaging bags and tapes used for express parcels can only be used for incineration power generation or landfill treatment, and cannot be effectively recycled. Therefore, according to the “Guidelines”, requirements and promotion of green packaging are imperative.”

Package bags for shipping


GB/T 16606 “Express Packaging Supplies” series of Chinese national standards have played an active role in regulating the production, use and testing of express packaging supplies, but the standards do not involve too much green environmental protection. In recent years, China’s express delivery business has developed rapidly, and the impact of express packaging waste on the environment cannot be ignored.

The new standard reduces the quantitative requirements for express envelope paper, plastic woven cloth express packaging bags, and air-cushion film express packaging bags, and no longer specifies the choice of single and double corrugated materials for express packaging boxes. The thickness of the bag is required, the basic module size of the express packaging box is clarified, and the express packaging bag should be made of biodegradable plastic, which increases the limit requirements for heavy metals and specific substances.

Experts said that this new packaging material mainly uses polylactic acid, starch, etc., with a degradation rate of more than 90%, which is basically converted into carbon dioxide and water, as well as inorganic salts. If it is in a composting station, it can generate organic fertilizers. Degradable in the natural environment.

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